I didn't think I could be beaten down by a cold. Usually when I do succumb to an illness, it's something like food poisoning or the Black Plague (kidding). But a cold? Clearly I've been too cocky.
How fitting then that the first thing we're learning is that everyone has weaknesses.
I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I was horizontal on various soft surfaces in my apartment for the better part of the day. Didn't go to work either. In fact the only time I left the confines of my apartment was to grab the Get-Well care package that my Amazonian sister brought me.
So today I went to work. I also went to the gym before that, though it was a lackluster workout but better than nothing. And all throughout the day I have been sounding as though I'm coughing up a lung. It's really a lovely sound, especially if you're lucky enough to be share the immediate office space with me. So sorry F & C!
I confess though that perhaps I was running myself a little harder than I should have. That and the fact that I'm currently being employed by a hospital...