Welcome Amazons!

Because this isn't a solo mission. In sharing my daily ups and downs, I want women to know that shit happens but it always makes us stronger.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The things for which I am thankful

Thankfulness shouldn't be limited to one day in November.  One should give thanks on any given day, every day for that matter.  (Yes, this is going to be one of those cheesy posts.  But you don't have to read this.  It's my catharsis after all.)

Yesterday was moving day.  It was kind of a big deal for me.  First time living somewhere that wasn't a UW dorm or an apartment in the UDistrict.  Auf Wiedersehen college students!  Moving out of a one bedroom apartment and into a two bedroom apartment in a complex complete with pool and FITNESS CENTER!!!  It took a couple of minutes to walk to the gym this morning and it was magical.  Not to mention the complex is comprised of a wide variety of people including seniors and young families.  It's a nice change of pace after being down the street from the frats.

I'm an eighty-year old in the body of a twenty-something.  SO SUE ME.

The second bedroom means that Mama Moose can visit me once I have it furnished.  And let me tell you, it is really taking all my willpower not to spend my entire being looking at home furnishings online.  I'm totally going into nesting mode.

But now onto the more important part.  The part about being thankful.

Perhaps quantitatively I'm not the luckiest girl in the world but I sure do feel like it.  I have this amazing mother who loves and supports me unconditionally, while still making sure that my head doesn't get too big and who picks me up when I've stumbled.

I can feel safe and secure with my steadfast Rudi at my fingertips. He'll be assuming much more responsibility now that I'll commute to work via car.  I'm sure he'll enjoy revving his engine more in the coming months.

But I cannot begin to think how difficult this move would have been if I hadn't had an amazing guy at my side.  Sure I would have done it; there's no doubt about that.  I am an Amazon after all and I'm pretty capable on my own.  I'm not saying I couldn't have done it; I'm saying it would have been a completely different (and much more unpleasant) experience.  As it was, it took 3 car loads before all of the fragile stuff that the movers didn't take was in my new digs.  And my endurance definitely faltered along the way.  Where would I have been if there hadn't been snark to reinvigorate me?  It certainly would have taken me a lot longer to schlepp everything from the car up the stairs to my third story apartment.  And while maintaining a chipper mood?  If I didn't know it before, I certainly know now that he's a keeper.  But I did already know.

I'm living in an apartment in a different city, with boxes and stuff strewn every which way in every single room.  The routines don't exist yet.  The shortcuts haven't been discovered yet.  But it feels like home because of the person who fell asleep next to me last night.  That is my definition of home.  And for that I am thankful.

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